
Cocoa Touch for iPhone OS 3 (Developer Reference)

Great Price "Cocoa Touch for iPhone OS 3 (Developer Reference)" for $22.16 Today

I have many iphone programming books and never paid this book much attention. recently though, i have been trying to get a deeper understand of the inner workings of cocoa touch. this book is amazing, its really made me understand the MVC approach used when building iphone apps. the book is well written....and breaks things down to you in a very systematic approach. definitely recommend this book.

Cocoa Touch for iPhone OS 3 (Developer Reference) Features

  • ISBN13: 9780470481073
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :
Price : $39.99
Offer Price : $22.16

Cocoa Touch for iPhone OS 3 (Developer Reference) Overviews

Join the gold rush to developing cool iPhone apps with this complete iPhone OS 3 developer’s guide. Professional developer Jiva DeVoe speaks your language, and he talks you through the entire process—from explaining Cocoa Touch and the iPhone SDK to using Xcode and the Game Kit API. Follow step-by-step tutorials, then apply practical tips on signing and selling your applications. Even if you’re new to iPhone development you’ll soon be cranking out great code.

  • Walk through Xcode, Interface Builder, and other key tools
  • Build simple or complex GUIs with navigation and custom views
  • Implement a database with Core Data, and design your schema in Xcode
  • Learn to use the iPhone’s signature multi-touch capabilities in your applications
  • Work with the Apple Push Notification Service
  • Use the Map Kit API to create apps with embedded maps
  • Record audio, play video, and access the iPod Library
  • Set up your developer certificates and code sign your apps
  • Use Store Kit to sell expanded features and content within your apps

Whether you're a new iPhone developer or seasoned veteran, this book is the perfect go-to reference for iPhone development-and one of an exciting new series for Apple developers.

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

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Customer Review

Poorly written and outdated. - Jacob A. Rude -
I have had some prior experience programming for the iPhone via various online help sources. I purchased this book in hopes of it being a good book to really dig into the SDK and write/learn alot more code. The book has several errors and outdated information right from the first few chapters. Their equivalent of a "Hello world" app doesn't even run from instruction; you have to assume several things.

Overall, I would not recommend. The book seems rushed and unchecked for readability and accuracy. I'm sure there are several better books written for iPhone development.

Poorly Edited - outdated instructions - D. R. Smith - Brooklyn, NY
I recommend this book for anyone who already familiar with the MAC OS developer applications including the interface builder. But this is not for someone who is looking to start learning Cocoa Touch programming. The errata is not published online nor online resources referenced in the book. The author does a good job of explaining certain areas in depth but then breezes over other details for the user to figure out. I highly suspect that the editor did not fully review the material for readability or for content structure.

Also, since the release of Interface Builder 3.2.1 the author's instructions on how to build such things as outlets is wrong (this is a small but serious detail).

Overall I do not recommend this book for anyone but an advanced Cocoa Touch Programmer until the author works with the publisher to give buyers online support.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 08, 2010 21:45:06

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Cocoa Programming: A Quick-Start Guide for Developers

Great Price "Cocoa Programming: A Quick-Start Guide for Developers" for $21.75 Today

In my opinion this is a great book for beginners in Cocoa. The author conceptually explains the framework for Cocoa Programming (that is to me more useful then just a programming recipe book). Yes, there are a lot of recipe like books out there for iPhone and Mac programming, but if you really want to learn how things work, this book actually will help fill in the details for you. For example this book really explains 'delegates' and 'first responder' concepts in more plain language to me then other sources I used . Also, in the recent update to the book, the author covers new and important concepts with 'blocks' and 'grand central dispatch' which are new to snow leopard. The book is a big time saver and the price was very affordable (the last I checked) .

Rating :
Price : $32.95
Offer Price : $21.75

Cocoa Programming: A Quick-Start Guide for Developers Overviews

Cocoa Programming: A Quick-Start Guide for Developers shows you how to get productive with Cocoa-fast! We won't walk you through every class and method in the API (but we will show you where to find that information). Instead, we'll jump right in and start building a web browser using Cocoa. In just a few minutes you'll have something that works. A couple of minutes more, and you'll have code in your custom controller, listening for notifications and call-backs. Soon you'll have the functionality you'd expect in a full browser. And that's just the first few chapters...

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Customer Review

Well thought out and not rushed - Brad Hutchins -
Pragmatic has done it again. They once more found an author to truly tackle this ever growing important subject. Cocoa Programming, and not just on the Mac but touches on the iPhone and iPad a bit. Everything is clear and concise and easy to follow. Objective-C can be a bit daunting, but not at the fault of the author just the nature of the beast. But once you get familiar with the language idioms. Things start to fall into place and you just start to get it.

Great modern introduction to Cocoa - Juio E. Barros -
This is a great modern introduction to Cocoa Programming. It covers a lot of topics and really helps you get the idea behind the design decisions of the apis. It is a great overview of the many important aspects of programming for the Mac desktop.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 07, 2010 20:38:09

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Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition)

Great Price "Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition)" for $26.22 Today

This book is in many ways a gold mine of knowledge. From my college engineering days, I had to learn many computer languages such as Fortran and C++. However, as the old quip goes, use it or lose it.

For years I had wanted to begin programming again because I enjoyed doing so, but the real question remained: What is the optimal approach to do so that would best utilize my prior knowledge AND bridge the gap to todays world of programming in Objective-C? Fortunately for me, I discovered Mr. Kochan's book and it was indeed the bridge that I sought. (Oddly enough, the cover on this book has a bridge on it. Go figure ...)

As most things in life go, the real significance of this book was not obvious at the onset. However, after glancing through the book, it was immediately clear to me that (A): The author took great pains to cover all the nuances of Objective-C in great detail so that anyone could understand them, and (B): The author is more than qualified to illuminate the subject matter and easily educate those that take the time to read his book and work all the examples.

For instance, I had wondered for years what an 'object' actually was that made Objective-C so special as compared to C and C++. Mr. Kochan's car example made this so succinctly clear that I wondered why all the other books I have never even came close to clarifying this important point. The other authors chose instead to define an object in abstract terms (generally speaking) which was not much help at all. Granted, the other books were about Xcode and Cocoa. However, without having a clear understanding as to what an 'object' is, how is anyone trying to learn Cocoa or Xcode going to move forward since 'objects' are both the building blocks and the future of both Cocoa and Xcode?

"Oh, and one more thing". To the unfamiliar, that is Steve Jobs' famous on-stage line when introducing new Apple products or software. A few weeks back I discovered that Mr. Kochan has a web site [...] based on learning Objective-C, - chapter by chapter. Upon making this discovery, I was at once elated to find the site and annoyed that no mention of this was made in the book. Perhaps the book was published before the website was built, but regardless this website is an INVALUABLE resource for learning Objective-C. And, from experience, Mr. Kochan will respond to your queries and comments within a day and oftentimes, within a few hours. How he does this, I have no idea, but he does.

My book did not come with a video CD, so I cannot comment on that. Speaking only for myself, I prefer a book over a video because I can re-read any part of a book much easier than I can a video. The web site does have video content for those so interested.

And least anyone wonder, I have absolutely no connection to Mr. Kochan. Period. But, I will forever be grateful to him for writing this book and creating and participating in his website. Both are indispensable sources for learning Objective-C.

Bottom line: I cannot recommend this book highly enough to those wishing to begin programming in Objective-C or to those who have past programming experience and wish to learn Objective-C. At twice the price, this book would still be a steal.

Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition) Features

  • ISBN13: 9780321566157
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :
Price : $44.99
Offer Price : $26.22

Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition) Overviews


Programming in Objective-C 2.0 provides the new programmer a complete, step-by-step introduction to Objective-C, the primary language used to develop applications for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS X platforms.


The book does not assume previous experience with either C or object-oriented programming languages, and it includes many detailed, practical examples of how to put Objective-C to use in your everyday iPhone/iPad or Mac OS X programming tasks.

A powerful yet simple object-oriented programming language that’s based on the C programming language, Objective-C is widely available not only on OS X and the iPhone/iPad platform but across many operating systems that support the gcc compiler, including Linux, Unix, and Windows systems.


The second edition of this book thoroughly covers the latest version of the language, Objective-C 2.0. And it shows not only how to take advantage of the Foundation framework’s rich built-in library of classes but also how to use the iPhone SDK to develop programs designed for the iPhone/iPad platform.


Table of Contents

   1    Introduction

Part I: The Objective-C 2.0 Language

    2    Programming in Objective-C 

    3    Classes, Objects, and Methods

    4    Data Types and Expressions

    5    Program Looping

    6    Making Decisions

    7    More on Classes

    8    Inheritance

    9    Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding

  10    More on Variables and Data Types

  11    Categories and Protocols

  12    The Preprocessor

  13    Underlying C Language Features

Part II: The Foundation Framework

  14    Introduction to the Foundation Framework

  15    Numbers, Strings, and Collections

  16    Working with Files

  17    Memory Management

  18    Copying Objects

  19    Archiving

Part III: Cocoa and the iPhone SDK

  20    Introduction to Cocoa 

  21    Writing iPhone Applications

Part IV: Appendixes

  A    Glossary

  B    Objective-C 2.0 Language Summary

  C    Address Book Source Code

  D    Resources

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Customer Review

All programming instructional books should be written this way - Interpol - Los Angeles, CA
I'm currently only 4 chapters into the Kindle version of this book and so far I can honestly say I've been able to learn more about Objective C than any other book. I have a background in computer science and have learned various programming languages such as BASIC, Pascal, LISP, Scheme, Java, even assembly - but I never got around to learning C or any of its variants. I've consumed many instructional books on programming and can honestly say that this one is the most well-written and easily comprehensible out of all of them. The author takes great care to explain virtually every aspect of Objective C syntax and does it in a way that's comfortable for both neophytes as well as those who have had some prior programming experience.

Additionally, the Kindle version of this book is done very well, easily readable on the Kindle device or an iPad (I've been reading it on both). When it's displayed on the iPad (with the Kindle app), you also get the additional benefit of color illustrations. Although I have a long way to go in this book, I can already say that I will have no problem reading it on my PC, my Kindle, or my iPad.

If you're interested in developing apps for the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, start with this book to give yourself a decent understanding of the Objective-C language, and THEN read the more iPhone OS-specific programming books such as "Head First iPhone Development" and "iPhone Application Development for Dummies". I tried to start with the Head First book and pretty much went nowhere with it until I started reading "Programming in Objective-C 2.0". Now concepts are starting to come together and I'm excited about what I can start doing with the iPhone SDK.

A pick for any advanced developer's library - Midwest Book Review - Oregon, WI USA
The second edition of Programming in Objective-C 2.0: A Complete Introduction to the Objective-C Language for Mac OS X and iPhone Development is a pick for any advanced developer's library. It tells of a language that has become the standard for application development on the Mac OS X and iPhone platforms, and provides new programmers with step-by-step introductions to its language and use. This second edition has been updated and expanded to cover Objective C 2.0 and is a pick for any developer's collection.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 06, 2010 19:55:06

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Cocoa and Objective-C: Up and Running: Foundations of Mac, iPhone, and iPod touch programming

Great Price "Cocoa and Objective-C: Up and Running: Foundations of Mac, iPhone, and iPod touch programming" for $23.09 Today

Price : $34.99
Offer Price : $23.09

Cocoa and Objective-C: Up and Running: Foundations of Mac, iPhone, and iPod touch programming Overviews

Build solid applications for Mac OS X, iPhone, and iPod Touch, regardless of whether you have basic programming skills or years of programming experience. With this book, you'll learn how to use Apple's Cocoa framework and the Objective-C language through step-by-step tutorials, hands-on exercises, clear examples, and sound advice from a Cocoa expert.

Cocoa and Objective-C: Up and Running offers just enough theory to ground you, then shows you how to use Apple's rapid development tools -- Xcode and Interface Builder -- to develop Cocoa applications, manage user interaction, create great UIs, and more. You'll quickly gain the experience you need to develop sophisticated Apple software, whether you're somewhat new to programming or just new to this platform.

  • Get a quick hands-on tour of basic programming skills with the C language
  • Learn how to use Interface Builder to quickly design and prototype your application's user interface
  • Start using Objective-C by creating objects and learning memory management
  • Learn about the Model-View-Controller (MVC) method of sharing data between objects
  • Understand the Foundation value classes, Cocoa's robust API for storing common data types
  • Become familiar with Apple's graphics frameworks, and learn how to make custom views with AppKit

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Sams Teach Yourself Cocoa Touch Programming in 24 Hours

Great Price "Sams Teach Yourself Cocoa Touch Programming in 24 Hours" for $22.38 Today

The Good: A very useful book, invaluable for debugging. It assumes you know how to program (says "assumes readers know C" on the back) but teaches you how Cocoa Touch is architected and works. Lots of books simply repeat Apple documentation. This one doesn't and instead focuses on what Apple left out. Because it's comprehensive, if you're lost you can usually find it in here. Also, unlike other books that hold your hand as long as you stay within the confines of their examples, but are unhelpful as you try to strike out on your own, this one teaches you how stuff works, so you can figure out why your app's not working. It's also very practical, disucssing how to avoid getting your app rejected, and how to optimize your code. I've learnt how to use new tools from it, including some free third party ones Apple doesn't ship. It also comes with a good appendix about solving Xcode issues. Rather than using trivial examples, it uses real programs which is rare for a book.

The Bad: It's deep, it's short, so you have to be awake when reading it.

Overall: It's a 24 Hour introduction for people who know how to program, and want to learn Cocoa Touch in depth. If you are learning to program, get this and another book.You'll find this one useful when you try to make your own App. If you know Cocoa Touch, but are stuck, read this book. Highly recommended for any one interesting in becoming a real developer. Normally I don't like 24 hour books, but this one's good!

Sams Teach Yourself Cocoa Touch Programming in 24 Hours Features

  • ISBN13: 9780672331251
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :
Price : $39.99
Offer Price : $22.38

Sams Teach Yourself Cocoa Touch Programming in 24 Hours Overviews

In Full Color

Code samples are syntax highlighted as in Xcode!!


In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, learn how to build powerful mobile applications with Apple’s Cocoa Touch technology for the iPhone and iPod touch! Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll master every skill and technology you need, from handling user interaction and building effective user interfaces to accessing the Internet, playing media, and using the iPhone and iPod touch’s incredible sensing capabilities. Each lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success!


Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Cocoa Touch programming tasks.

Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.

By the Way notes present interesting information related to the discussion.

Did You Know? tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks.

Watch Out! cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.



  • Write simple, efficient code that reflects a clear understanding of how Cocoa Touch works and why it works that way
  • Build great iPhone/iPod touch user interfaces from the ground up
  • Display tables and provide for clear navigation
  • Access the Internet and networks and show web pages
  • Save and retrieve data, including user preferences
  • Understand how the Cocoa Touch runtime loop interacts with your application
  • Draw and manipulate images
  • Create complex animations such as Cover Flow
  • Build applications that play and record media
  • Use the iPhone’s built-in accelerometer, GPS capabilities, and WiFi support
  • Share data via custom URLs, emails, and other techniques
  • Find and fix common Cocoa Touch software bugs, fast
  • Avoid the performance bottlenecks that affect Cocoa Touch code

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Customer Review

Exceptionally lucid writing - A. L. Moore - Ashland, OR USA
I have only read portions of Cocoa Touch Programming, but so far have found the writing to be exceptionally clear and concise. I might have suggested a few more pictures, but careful readers should have no trouble. Touch programming is hardly a topic for beginning programmers, yet even the adventuresome should benefit from this thoughtful treatment of the subject.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 04, 2010 04:18:32

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Cocoa Programming

Great Price "Cocoa Programming" for $59.99 Today

Disclaimer: I am one of the authors.
Cocoa Programming provides intermediate and advanced programmers with the knowledge and techniques to produce powerful full-featured Cocoa applications. Cocoa Programming communicates the wisdom and design experience of three top-notch veteran Cocoa developers and includes technical information and insights that are not available from any other source.

Cocoa is Apple's powerful and mature object oriented development technology for creating Mac OS X applications quickly and efficiently. Apple recommends that all new applications written for Mac OS X use Cocoa. Cocoa is distinguished from other object-oriented development environments in several ways: Cocoa is mature, consistent, and broad. Cocoa is based on a cross-platform specification and has evolved from a cross-platform implementation. Cocoa is extraordinarily extensible, flexible, and dynamic in part because of Objective-C, the language used to implement it.

This comprehensive book covers virtually every aspect of Cocoa application development from the tools used to build programs to sophisticated multi-media and low level implementation details. Topics ranging from client-server networking to game development are covered. Examples that can be used directly in application code and a companion Web site,, provide a treasure chest of reusable objects that illustrate the best practices developed through years of use.

Rating :
Price : $59.99
Offer Price : $59.99

Cocoa Programming Overviews

Cocoa Programming is a comprehensive work that starts as a fast-paced introduction to the OS architecture and the Cocoa language for programmers new to the environment. The more advanced sections of the book will show the reader how to create Cocoa applications using Objective-C, to modify the views, integrate multimedia, and access networks. The final sections explain how to extend system applications and development tools in order to create your own frameworks.

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Customer Review

Very well written - Larry Gerndt - Sunnyvale, CA United States
(Review written July 2004, reposting because it disappeared) This is a big book, so I was at first leery about whether I would be able to get through it without becoming depressed or lost. I did get through it, I didn't get lost, and I felt in capable hands all the way through. Furthermore, it was worth every minute of time I put into reading it.

Although there are three authors of this book, listed alphabetically on the front cover, it reads as if written by a single author. It becomes readily apparent that the authors know Cocoa as well as the best programmers know it. But even more important to me was that they craft every single sentence with care for the context they're building, and they don't violate our faith with out of context material. Time and time again I was silently appreciating their skill and care for quality writing.

Great, but outdated - P. Driver - Orlando, FL USA
I've really gotten a lot out of this book, and I would highly recommend it, except for the fact that it came out in 2002 and only covers 10.1 (with an appendix entry discussing the new features in the "up-coming 10.2"). Many of the methods documented here have been long since "deprecated."

If you can find this book at a reasonable price, it would pair well with a more current book. I found it contained valuable information not present in some of the more recent books.

If this guy ever releases an updated version of this book, I would buy it in a Nano-second (a little iPod humour there)(Yeah, very little).

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 03, 2010 03:58:05

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Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook

Great Price "Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook" for $20.98 Today

I have a pretty solid background of C on unix and bare-metal embedded systems but I'm very new to Mac OS X; you should take that into account when you read the review.

The book has a distinct feel that it was written with the C programmer in mind. The book tells you all about the Objective-C messaging and objects but it keeps emphasising that Objective-C is not a substitute but an addition to C. If you read the book "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" by Aaron Hillegass you can very easily put together simple applications using XCode. However, if you have a deeply entrenched C background, you will feel lost a bit, because you don't know what's going on. Now this book tells you exactly that. It explains all the major Cocoa classes and the messaging but does it in a way that makes sense with a purely C background.

There are a couple of typographic errors in the book that are rather distracting. Code listings are line numbered and the text refers to the line numbers when it explains the workings of the code. The problem is, the numbers do not always match. You may have a listing of lines 1 to 20 and the text pointing out the clever trick used in lines 76 and 80. The code that the text refers to is all there, it's just the line numbers that are wrong. Obviously, when the text was written the author had a longer piece of code and later decided to remove all unimportant lines before the function in question, but forgot to update the references. At a few places the text simply doesn't make sense, apparently the author decided to rephrase a couple of consecutive sentences and haven't finished it. As expected, you have half-finished sentences, not forming a logical chain of thought.

Nevertheless, those problems are not show-stoppers. When you encounter them, you'll need to put some extra effort in deciphering the actual meaning or working out a listing offset. It is a distraction and a quite annoying one, but you can get the information.

Overall, this book will help you to understand the features and inner workings of Objective-C, the organisation of the major Cocoa frameworks and classes. It explains the Cocoa event system in depth and prepares you to feel comfortable with XCode even if you come from a non object oriented, "vi, make and gdb are the best development environment" centric background. After this book you can use the book from Aaron Hillegass and you will actually know what will going to happen in your code if you drag this thingy over there to that thingy in the interface builder, as per Aaron's instructions.

Furthermore, the book explains the differences between Objective-C 1.x and 2.0, the changes to Cocoa over the various OS X versions and shows how to write code that is backward compatible as well as forward compatible, i.e. not dependent on features that Apple might remove in future OS X versions. It also explains the differences between the Apple and GNU versions of Objective-C so that you can write code that is at least partially reusable on the GNU environment.

An important note: This book is not for iPhone development. Where the iPhone and OS X are different, the OS X version is explained but the iPhone is not. In such cases there is always a warning about the difference and usually some advice about achieving the same outcome on the iPhone, but you will need to consult iPhone specific documentation.

The book assumes that you are fluent in C and you have at least a vague idea about what object-oriented design is all about, even if you've never done any OO programming. You do not need to know Objective-C but, again you *do* need to know C to understand the book. Furthermore, having familiarity with event-driven programs, though not a requirement, will help. The book explains how events are delivered, but not the design philosophy behind event driven systems.

The book gives you a historical background regarding to OS X, Objective-C and Cocoa. It describes the (not always rosy) relationships between the Free Software Foundation, NeXT and Apple. It also explains how the GNU and non-GNU tools, old Apple technologies, NEXTSTEP, BSD and the Mach kernel are rolled together to form OS X. The history is written in a very readable style, telling the facts and explaining the business and politics behind the decisions. Nevertheless, this part of the book is very concise, it just "puts you in picture". The rest is highly concentrated information, written in an easy to follow, readable style but without fluff.

In summary, if you want to do OS X Cocoa development and you know your way around in writing software but you don't have an OO background then this is an excellent book, which I recommend to be read before any of the other Cocoa development books.

Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook Features

  • ISBN13: 9780321639639
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Rating :
Price : $59.99
Offer Price : $20.98

Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook Overviews

The Cocoa programming environment—Apple’s powerful set of clean, object-oriented APIs—is increasingly becoming the basis of almost all contemporary Mac OS X development. With its long history of constant refinement and improvement, Cocoa has matured into a sophisticated programming environment that can make Mac OS X application development quick, efficient, and even fun.


Yet for all its refined elegance and ease of use, the staggering size of the Cocoa family of APIs and the vast magnitude of the official documentation can be intimidating to even seasoned programmers.


To help Mac OS X developers sort through and begin to put to practical use Cocoa’s vast array of tools and technologies, Cocoa Programming Developer’s Handbook provides a guided tour of the Cocoa APIs found on Mac OS X, thoroughly discussing—and showing in action—Cocoa’s core frameworks and other vital components, as well as calling attention to some of the more interesting but often overlooked parts of the APIs and tools. 


This book provides expert insight into a wide range of key topics, from user interface design to network programming and performance tuning.

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Customer Review

Still learning - M - CA, USA
I'm still working my way through this book. It's very thick, but so far, I've gained a solid base of knowledge on what Objective-C can do. The example code is excellent and not full of errors like some programming book's code I've bought. My only concern is that I've skipped ahead and the base is all you get really. It's up to you to fill in the blanks, and decide what to get next to learn more about Mac|iPhone programming. I'd recommend a good Cocoa book to go with this.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 02, 2010 03:49:04

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